Sunday, December 27, 2009

12-29-09 playlist... THE FINAL SHOW

Welcome to the final installment of Hard Math Radio. It has been fun being involved with Radio Boise over the last year and I hope to stay involved with the station as a designer, friend and supporter. Thanks to all the great folks who supported the show and shared music with me, it has been great fun to uncover old gems and discover great things going on now. I really think we're witnessing an exciting time in the local music scene and encourage you all to get involved and support local music and FREE MEDIA.

For this final show, I revisited the song selection from my original show and pulled some favorites from that, plus some newer mainstays and older things I found along the way. I tried to pay proper homage to local legends, but I know of a few glaring exceptions and I'm sorry I could fit EVERYONE into the finally. Thank for listening! I will leave the two-part podcast up for awhile, it is below the playlist.

“Esquincles” - Stuntman
“Look Out Below” - Pete Holly And The Looks
“no more nu wave” - Pajama Party In A Haunted Hive
“Stone Cold Eagle” - Le Fleur
“Damaged Unit” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“Belt Loop” - Falldowns
“Hide and Find Out” - Treepeople
“Break Your Face” - Young People With Faces
“Make Believe” - Kid Corduroy
“Sod Off” - The Very Most
“Silver Scooter” - Crogan
“RanSome ReVoLtReVoLt
“Be My Test Tube Baby” - The Zekes
“What, Nothing But Black?” - The Left Coast
“Different” - Sleepy Seeds
“Pocket Girl” - Lovey
“lorieMixdown” - Central City Music Company
“Lovelorn Robot” - Spondee
“Mangle Me” - Splinter
“Plaster Ears” - eL Dopamine
“Hraka” - Finn Riggins
“Track 2” - Piso Mojado
“Dry and Confused” - Black Happy
“Education” - State of Confusion
“Boy Named Dog” - Fury III
“Man's Best Friend” - Geyser
“Mollican” - Juntura
“Virginia Reel Around The Fountain” - The Halo Benders
“Some Sad Song” - The Suffocation Keep
“Won't You Hibernate With Me?” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Three Years Ago Today” - Built To Spill
“Appetizer” - Dirt Fishermen
“Oceans Inside Me” - Stone Garden
“Hardware” - Septic Death
“Station” - Caustic Resin
“Vertigo” - Universal

Podcast: Hour One | Hour Two

Sunday, December 20, 2009

12-22-09 playlist

Hey everyone, here is the playlist for this week and links to a podcast version below. This will be one of my last shows as I will be taking a break from Hard Math Radio for awhile. As always thanks to all the people who have supported and contributed. I will still be involved with Radio Boise in other ways. It is a great time to be a music fan in Boise, so support local bands and get involved where you can. Next week's show and podcast will be a special end of the year and best-of show to round out my time on the internet waves...

“Death and Life” - The Invasion
“G Sharp Minor” - ATTN
“Track 2” - Piso Mojado
“Wrath Of Rabbit” - Dirt Fishermen
“Plaster Ears” - eL Dopamine
“Mr. Peanut” - Freak In A Jar
“27” - Dirtboy
“Furs” - Finn Riggins
“Mucous Membranophone” - Discoma
“Too Long” - Treepeople
“Midnight Blue” - Plumb Bob
“Ruby Lips” - La Knots
“The Last Long Song” - Built To Spill
“Crazee” - Godzoundz
“Want You (Dead)” - Humorgod
“Across The Hall” - The Unicorn Feather
“Ashtray” - Butterfly Train
“Red Letters” - Clock
“Hambone” - Kid Corduroy
“Canned Oxygen” - The Halo Benders
“Golden Age” - ReVoLtReVoLt
“Riot Grrll” - Eightball Break
“Helicopter” - G. America
“Fishing & Hunting with Native Idahoans” - Central City Music Co.
“Even Though” - Sleepy Seeds
“Put Down” - Crogan
“complaint #3” - Lovey
“1957” - Low-Fi
“27” - Le Fleur
“Station Wagon” - Caustic Resin
“Fleeting Protons” - Universal

Podcast: Hour One | Hour Two

Sunday, December 6, 2009

12-08-09 playlist

“Planned Obsolescence” - The Halo Benders
“The Motor-Vue Lights” - The Very Most
“Eyes On the Prize” - Central Boise Library
“The New One” - Black Happy
“Fall Inside” - The Hand
“Parenthetical Love Song For Janeane Garofolo” - Eightball Break
“Glove Comprtmnt” - Finn Riggins
“Meow” - Geyser
“Look Out Below” - Pete Holly
“The Interview And The Argument” - The Invasion
“Used To” - Dirt Fishermen
“Strange (The Delusions)” - Boise Cover Band
“Different” - Sleepy Seeds
“Pictures You Made” - A Seasonal Disguise
“My Brother Pat” - Raspberry
“Anarchy Street” - State of Confusion
“Unloveable People” - Young People With Faces
“Through The Ceiling Into The Sun” - The Suffocation Keep
“1957” - Low-Fi
“Ya Hots” - How's Your Family
“Func” - Discoma
“Discordia” - ReVoLt ReVoLt
“Lives” - Treepeople
“Who Are You-nit” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“Waste” - Skidfish
“sparkling soda” - Narcissus Isthmus
“High-Tech Indeed” - 25 Wheeler
“Prolonged” - eL Dopamine
“Spur” - Le Fleur
“Go To The Light” - Hillfolk Noir
“tina & ton” - Lovey
“Michelle Janet Hell” - Splinter
“Robert Marshall Long” - Stuntman
“High School” - The Treatment
“Beware The Sun (ver. 2)” - Universal

Podcast: Hour One | Hour Two

Saturday, November 21, 2009

11-24-09 Playlist

“The "Dee" Remix” - Freak In A Jar
“Virginia Reel Around The Fountain” - The Halo Benders
“Inversion Valley” - Juntura
“Ambergris” - Le Fleur
“Every” - Lovey
“Connie” - Chris Bock
“Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss” - Built To Spill
“Belt Loop” - Falldowns
“Crown of Stars” - Doublewide
“Wax Pattern” - Stuntman
“Haven’t You Seen?” - Sleepy Seeds
“Frog” - Crogan
“december, '94” - decoy decoy
“Light as a Feather” - Flycatcher
“Antoinette Pt. 2” - Finn Riggins
“Start Transmission” - Central Boise Library
“Sunshine” - Brett Nelson
“Annie’s Home Tonite” - Spondee
“Lately” - Kris Doty
“Side Of The Mystery” - Pete Holly
“Empty Beer Can” - Raspberry
“Ithica” - Haggis
“American Dream” - Young People With Faces
“Make Believe” - Kid Corduroy
“Emma” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“Cable” - Caustic Resin
“Filter” - Treepeople
“Farewell Address” - ReVoLtReVoLt
“Mudlavalavamudlavamudmud” - Universal
“Fireworks” - The Very Most
“Muckhouse/happy-head;smiling-heart” - Fury III
“Took So Long” - The Hand

Podcast: Hour One | Hour Two

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hard Math Radio 11-17-09 playlist & podcast

“We Live Too Long” - Netson Family
“Without You” - Lovey
“Prostitute” - Treepeople
“Look Out Below” - Pete Holly And The Looks
“Geology” - Finn Riggins
“Sample” - Geyser
“She Broke” - Juan Fangio
“Game Face” - Stuntman
“Tell Me Were You Blind?” - Godzoundz
“shelbyville” - Narcissus Isthmus
“How? (Now)” - Sleepy Seeds
“Wacky…Zany!” - The Yukon and You
“Silver Scooter” - Crogan
“Sunday Drive” - A Seasonal Disguise
“You're So White, Are You Snow Or Sand?” - Grant Avenue
“After All” - Splinter
“titans” - Juntura
“Fall Inside” - The Hand
“The Madness” - The Invasion
“The Infection” - ReVoLtReVoLt
“Grey” - Butterfly Train
“The Roof Of The Church Next Door” - The Unicorn Feather
“Russian Wanted” - Plumb Bob
“Sympathy For The Past” - Tuck Nelson
“Iceman” - Le Fleur
“Bugs” - Caustic Resin
“No Direction” - Haggis
“Gettin' Hit On” - Young People With Faces
“House Mate” - eL Dopamine
“Rock Sniper” -  H is for Hector
“Picture Window” - Fury III
“Undressing In The Wind” - With Child
“N. of Appalachia” - Hillfolk Noir
“Stay Another Day” - Spondee
“Stay” - Doug Martsch

Podcast: Hour One | Hour Two

Sunday, November 8, 2009

11-10-09 playlist & podcast

“SF Policeman Blues” - Stone Garden
“Aisle 13” - Built To Spill
“Sweater” - The Very Most
“Car Sides” - Central Boise Library
“Say Goodbye To Hollywood” - Young People With Faces
“The Right Channel” - Stuntman
“Thank You” - Shamus
“After the War” - ReVoLt ReVoLt
“Bodily Harm” - The Skulldiggers
“Will We Ever” - Treepeople
“Inversion Valley” - Juntura
“Rocket Thousand” - The Suffocation Keep
“The Radio Drown” - Ian Waters
“Harvest Weather” - With Child
“Trouble with the Market” - Red Set
“Appetizer” - Dirt Fishermen
“West (Creature)” - PussyGutt
“Cops Trees And Secret Police” - Caustic Resin
“Disaster” - Size of Alaska
“Battle” - Finn Riggins
“College” - Splinter
“Kabuki” - Bovalexia
“Grudge” - The Treatment
“Open Mouth” - Le Fleur
“Dick Murphy (and his Lovely Bride)” - Spondee
“A Part of Me” - Geyser
“Won't You Hibernate With Me?” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Sometimes” - The Hand
“Reborn And Welcome” - Tuck Nelson

Podcasts: Hour One | Hour Two

Sunday, November 1, 2009

11-03-09 playlist + podcast

“Battered Boat” - A Man Called Sun
“Vs. Birds” -  Finn Riggins
“Spring Song” - La Knots
“All Alone” - ReVoLtReVoLt
“Yeah Yeah” - Young People With Faces
“Silence” - State of Confusion
“Foggy Bottom” - The Halo Benders
“Feltung Grey” - Nollifur
“smoking jack” - Lowbelly
“SEQ” - Discoma
“carol channing's blank stare of horror” - Pajama Party In A Haunted Hive
“Mofo Connection” - Pete Holly
“Girlfriend” - Kris Doty
“Let Me Get This Straight” - Central Boise Library
“Kicking Myself” - Eightball Break
“By the Way” - Built To Spill
“Apartments” - Geyser
“Chakra Fight” - The Yukon and You
“2/4” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Vertigo” - Universal
“Lazerbeam/Flamegrape” - Treepeople
“Nag Unit” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“Niacin” - Caustic Resin
“Watch” - The Hand
“Dustcloud” - Royball
“January Keys” - Juntura
“Herpes Of The Mouth” - Dirt Fishermen
“You're In Love With The Sun” - The Very Most
“Longest Night” - The Treatment
“miss k.” - Lovey
“Years Too Late At Least For Now” - The Suffocation Keep
“Be My Test Tube Baby” - The Zekes
“Aviator” - Le Fleur
“Plagerized Evening” - Hillfolk Noir

podcast: Hour One | Hour Two

Sunday, October 25, 2009

10-27-09 playlist


“Dark Halos” - Discoma
“South” - Racing Vent
“F- Word” - Black Happy
“Bikini Version” - The Halo Benders
“Paranoid” - The Invasion
“Ginger” - Bovalexia
“Commie Song” - La Knots
“Ballard Bitter” - Treepeople
“Astrological Charts” - Pajama Party In A Haunted Hive
“Creedence Jam” - Caustic Resin
“Unreleased 3” - Brandon Follet
“A Warmer Shade Of Grey” - Clock
“Antoinette Pt. 1” - Finn Riggins
“Kashimunji” - Fury III
“Bottomless World” - Hillfolk Noir
“Remember February” - Fauxbois
“Good Ol' Boredom” - Built To Spill
“Push Thru” - Glow
“Autumn Air” - The Very Most
“Head Down” - Crogan
“Head Full of Stars” - Bock
“Years Too Late At Least For Now” - The Suffocation Keep
“Simple Step” - Dirt Fishermen
“Relapse” - Doublewide
“Discarded” - eL Dopamine
“Going to War” - The Hand
“Grave” - Kid Corduroy
“Barbed Wire” - Haggis
“3rd Degree” - Gusto
“Russian Dolls” - Le Fleur
“Somebody” - G. America
“Bright Eyes” - Humorgod
“Hyde Park Square” - Pete Holly

Podcast: Hour One | Hour Two

Monday, October 19, 2009

10-20-09 Playlist

a. playlist b. podcast

“Don't Want None” - With Child
“Mistake” - Treepeople
“Fodomat” - Ticks
“Radiant Goddess” - The Invasion
“When Summer Finally Dies” - The Very Most
“Even Though” - Sleepy Seeds
“East” - Dirt Fishermen
“James Yeah” - Caustic Resin
“It's Not Me” - The Halo Benders
“Candle Power” - Splinter
“Let's Have a Party” - The Zekes
“Seen Enough” - The Hand
“1 Patient Thought” - Haggis
“Gathering Stones” - Universal
“Boy Named Dog” - Fury III
“Twin” - Raspberry
“Stay Another Day” - Spondee
“shelbyville” - Narcissus Isthmus
“The Lullaby Goodbyes” - Tuck Nelson
“Nowhere Lullaby” - Built To Spill
“What Did I Say” - Pete Holly
“The Radio Drown” - Ian Waters
“Good Enough” - Stuntman
“God is Wrong” - Netson Family
“manners, manners” - Lowbelly
“Number Two” - The Suffocation Keep
“lorieMixdown” - Central City Music Company
“Ad Infinitum” - A Seasonal Disguise
“My Bike” - Lovey
“Cousin It” - Graveltruck
“Control” - Septic Death
“Drag King” - Geyser
“boddering” - eL Dopamine
“Furs” - Finn Riggins
“Rain” - Kris Doty
“Vicious Native” - Size of Alaska
“Hooberbloob (My Family)” - Caustic Resin

Listen via homemade podcast: Hour One | Hour Two

Monday, October 12, 2009

10-13-09 playlist

New to the show this week are Colorado transplants, Sleepy Seeds, who made a wise decision to move to Boise and share a winter blanket with Built to Spill and The Very Most. Podcast links b-low the playlist.

“Say So Long” - Caustic Resin
“Aeroplane” - Geyser
“Man Gets Jealous; Finds Jesus” - Clock
“Temporary Setback” - eL Dopamine
“Same Diseases” - Ian Waters
“Different” - Sleepy Seeds
“Bona Fide Regret” - The Suffocation Keep
“Strange (The Delusions)” - Boise Cover Band
“Shaky” - Finn Riggins
“december, '94” - decoy decoy
“Svelte” - Discoma
“Don't Touch My Bikini” - The Halo Benders
“Tell Me Were You Blind?” - Godzoundz
“John Sinclair” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“Meet at the End” - Treepeople
“After the War” - Bock
“Bonefish Wedding March” - Bonefish Sam And His Power Orchestra
“Done” - Built To Spill
“Bulb” - Le Fleur
“The Mangler's Concern” - Fury III
“Vroom” - fourgirldrive
“Twice” - The Hand
“UV Science And Magick” - Universal
“I Wanna Hurt Someone” - The Left Coast
“Fallin'” - Magnetics
“Ghostly Gangs” - The Unicorn Feather
“Spring Song” - La Knots
“Pocket Girl” - Lovey
“Making the Case for Me” - The Very Most
“Distorted, Retarded, Peculiar” - Butterfly Train
“We were ghosts” - G. America
“Metro” - Morningly

Take it to go: Hour One | Hour Two

Sunday, October 4, 2009

10-6-09 Playlist

It's hard not to be beaming with Boise pride this month as great new records by Finn Riggins, Le Fleur and Built to Spill hit the shelves... this week I’ll feature a track from each release in addition to a track from the recent album from The Hand and one from the ReVoLtReVoLt album out next month. That is a lot of new, quality Boise music. Enjoy. Le Fleur and Finn Riggins will be celebrating the release of their new albums with a “duel” record release Friday night (Oct. 9) at the VAC... if you are over 21 come on down and see two of our hottest young bands playing new material plus local openers A Seasonal Disguise and Portland's Jared Mees and the Grown Children and Boy Eats Drum Machine. (Podcast version below).

“Beating” - Shamus
“Stone Cold Eagle” - Le Fleur
“Mahoney” - Finn Riggins
“Hindsight” - Built To Spill
“Hangin' Judge” - Hillfolk Noir
“House On Fire” - Thomas Paul
“In The Outline Of Your Shadow” - Tuck Nelson
“Ginger” - Bovalexia
“I Am Life” - Royball
“Piece Of Meat” - Young People With Faces
“No Goats for Sale” - The Hand
“Instructions For Mourning” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Lately” - Kris Doty
“Wax Pattern” - Stuntman
“Treepoison” - Raspberry
“I know that you're okay” - Monster Dudes
“The Ballad of Angela Davis” - Central Boise Library
“March Of The Undead” - The Invasion
“Four My Love” - The Blue Flames
“Except for This” - Brett Nelson
“Don't Want None” - With Child
“Golden Age” - ReVoLtReVoLt
“Size Of A Quarter” - Treepeople
“Torture Yourself ” - Caustic Resin
“Necromania” - The Skulldiggers
“don't you ever ask me that again” - One Fantastic Bind
“Rotten Sunday” - Magnetics
“I'd Eat Crow” - Universal
“Mick Mars always wears a hat” - Lowbelly
“A Two Week, Springtime, 7th Grade "Romance” - The Very Most
“The Atomium After” - Narcissus Isthmus
“snakes” - Juntura
“Scissors” - Splinter
“St. Michael” - Haggis

Podcast: Hour One | Hour Two

Monday, September 28, 2009

9-29-09 playlist

Podcast version, below. Thanks to Judy Christie for the awesome article about the show in the Idaho Art Quarterly... thanks to editor Katy Dang and photographer Laurie Pearman, too!

“As The Shadows Fall” - The Unicorn Feather
“Allied-Gary” - Freak In A Jar
“Cannons and Daggers” - La Knots
“Track 4” - Piso Mojado
“Dripping” - Caustic Resin
“Eggs” - Kris Doty
“Pretend” - Magnetics
“Desert Fruit” - Doublewide
“Box Elder” - Finn Riggins
“Manipulator” - Bovalexia
“Plaster Ears” - eL Dopamine
“Mountain Song ” - The Hand
“East” - Dirt Fishermen
“Weather King” - Flycatcher
“Red Ball” - Splinter
“Car Crash” - Stuntman
“Pokey” - Raspberry
“Broken Chairs” - Built To Spill
“Robogoat” - Discoma
“Washcloth” - Black Happy
“Neil's Down” - Treepeople
“Say You Will” - Gusto
“Paper Thin” - Butterfly Train
“Molehill Into a Mountain” - Central Boise Library
“Rocket” - G America
“Frog” - Crogan
“summer's eve” - Lowbelly
“The Radio Drown” - Ian Waters
“Wish I Knew You” - Pete Holly
“Fly Around” - Lovey
“Anarchy Street” - State of Confusion
“Inbread Heart” - The Halo Benders

Podcast: Hour One | Hour Two

Monday, September 21, 2009

9-22-09 playlist & podcasts

Here again to rock your Tuesday morning. Podcast links below playlist.

“What Doesn't Kill You” - The Hand
“Right” - Kid Corduroy
“Watch the Freak Twitch” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“Sick Girl” - Young People With Faces
“Lewiston, Id” - Sugar Daddies
“Wake (Keep This Town Alive)” - Finn Riggins
“mystery lazer beams” - Lowbelly
“Some Sad Song” - The Suffocation Keep
“Peaceful Man” - Red Set
“Glow Jam” - The Unicorn Feather
“Falling Behind” - 25 Wheeler
“Pop Your Socks Off” - Spondee
“Life Smiles Back” - Grant Avenue
“House On Fire” - The Invasion
“Old Gray Horse” - Hillfolk Noir
“Corpus Callosum” - Universal
“For The Pawns” - System And Station
“Education” - State of Confusion
“Mangle Me” - Splinter
“What About You?” - A Seasonal Disguise
“S for M” - Plumb Bob
“Alien Pigs” - Size of Alaska
“Write Away” - Tuck Nelson
“Oceans Inside Me - Orig 45” - Stone Garden
“The End Of Betrayal” - Caustic Resin
“Carbonation Sickness” - One Fantastic Bind
“Thaw (Cold World)” - Septic Death
“Makin' The D” - Treepeople
“Look Out Below” - Pete Holly
“Goin' On” - Low-Fi
“Slaves” - Stuntman
“Objective Perfect” - The Very Most
“Lonesome Sundown” - The Halo Benders
“Appetizer” - Dirt Fishermen
“Slim Time” - Humorgod
“Baby Boomer's Dead Decade” - Veronica & the Mental Foreplays
“Longest Night” - The Treatment
“no more nu wave” - Pajama Party In A Haunted Hive
“Radial Nerve Palsy” - Narcissus Isthmus

Listen to hour one, Listen to hour two. Enjoy.

Monday, August 31, 2009

9-15-09 playlist and podcast

[Due to ongoing tech difficulties I'm offering the show as a podcast for your downloading or streaming pleasure: click for HOUR ONE or HOUR TWO. thanks for your patience]

Howdy Hard Math Listeners! Boy, do we have a treat for you this week. Two Treats. One new track from What Doesn't Kill You (Tries Again), the new album from The Hand, and an approved leak from the forthcoming Finn Riggin's record Vs. Wilderness.

On a technical note... the show seems to have been playing a bit more consistently the past couple of weeks. I'm going to skip the podcast this week, but I'll leave last week’s up if anyone wants some on-demand Idaho rock.

“G Sharp Minor” - ATTN
“Bad News” - The Unicorn Feather
“Ad Campaigns” - Treepeople
“Orange Marmalade” - Clock
“Fleeting Protons” - Universal
“Dali” - Finn Riggins
“Love And Boredom” - Graveltruck
“Inbread Heart” - The Halo Benders
“Lovelorn Robot” - Spondee
“Solitary Vowels” - Falldowns
“Ghost vs Real Person” - The Left Coast
“The Interview And The Argument” - The Invasion
“The Tangles” - La Knots
“another monday” - Lovey
“Cheap Gear Jam” - Bonefish Sam And His Power Orchestra
“Razorsharp Hormones” - Freak In A Jar
“All Alone” - Bock
“Fake Love” - G. America
“Come Back” - Ian Waters
“The Source” - Built To Spill
“Undressing In The Wind” - With Child
“Turns for the Worst” - Crogan
“Today It is Even Better (Nonstop Everything's String Theory Mix)” - The Very Most
“Mollican” - Juntura
“Alien Fugue” - Caustic Resin
“How could I” - The Hand
“27” - Dirtboy
“Country Jail” - fourgirldrive
“Sweat” - Godzoundz
“She's Dead” - Haggis
“Open Mouth” - Le Fleur
“His Hands Are Made of Fire” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“Bubbles” - Doublewide
“Song For An Obituary” - Dirt Fishermen
“The Overdose” - Tuck Nelson
“the world is drunk” - Lowbelly
“Caroline, No” - Central Boise Library

Monday, August 24, 2009

8-24 playlist and podcast

Here’s the playlist for the stream and a podcast version of this week’s show:

“Reasons” - Built To Spill
“blue stripe or pink stripe” - Lowbelly
“Unreleased 3” - Brandon Follet
“Garlic” - Black Happy
“Hraka” - Finn Riggins
“Game Face” - Stuntman
“Chevy Van (edit)” - Grant Avenue
“Fuck Art, Lets Rock” - Young People With Faces
“Cool Car” - H is for Hector
“Miscued” - Eightball Break
“Man's Best Friend” - Geyser
“Peaceful Man” - Red Set
“Paper Thin” - Butterfly Train
“Caught Up” - Flycatcher
“White Box” - Caustic Resin
“Stranger In Town” - Pete Holly
“Evolve” - The Blue Flames
“Duke Of Oly ” - The Treatment
“Today It Is Even Better (My Teenage Stride Remix)” - The Very Most
“Bonefish Wedding March” - Bonefish Sam And His Power Orchestra
“Pocket Girl” - Lovey
“Pokey” - Raspberry
“Pretty Girl” - Treepeople
“The Lesbian Problem” - Juan Fangio
“Electron Echo” - Pajama Party In A Haunted Hive
“Put Down” - Crogan
“sparkling soda” - Narcissus Isthmus
“Appetizer” - Dirt Fishermen
“My Every Nerve” - Discoma
“Temporary Setback” - eL Dopamine
“Noise” - Kid Corduroy
“The Green Line” - Plumb Bob
“Gathering Stones” - Universal
“Title TBD 1” - Netson Family
“Rebels Got A Hole In It” - The Halo Benders

This week’s podcast:

Monday, August 10, 2009

8-11-09 playlist & podcast

This week the man who brought us “Sixteen Candles” and “The Breakfast Club” is dead. John Hughes shaped the cultural perception of 80’s teenage life and rebellion and played some great new wave tunes in the processes. In tribute we visit the key track from The Suffocation Keep's John Hughes Was Never So Wrong. We’re all still waiting for our lives to be just like that John Hughes movie. (Podcast below)

“Through The Ceiling Into The Sun” - The Suffocation Keep
“Be My Test Tube Baby” - The Zekes
“Embryonic Eye” - Size of Alaska
“Break Your Face” - Young People With Faces
“Hardware” - Septic Death
“Grease Fire” - Doublewide
“Don't Touch My Bikini” - The Halo Benders
“Surf Solo” - La Knots
“Twin” - Raspberry
“Graveltruck” - Graveltruck
“Trench Broom” - Falldowns
“The Hand” - The Hand
“The Collider” - Finn Riggins
“So Little Current” - Lowbelly
“Harvest Weather” - With Child
“Terrible/Perfect” - Built To Spill
“Sunday Drive” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Mudlavalavamudlavamudmud” - Universal
“Plan D” - Clock
“Wizard Of The Upper Snake River” - Caustic Resin
“Trashed” - State of Confusion
“Running Around” - Geyser
“Plaster Ears” - eL Dopamine
“That's How I Escaped My Certai” - Haggis
“Track 3” - Piso Mojado
“titans” - Juntura
“Tongues On Thrones” - Treepeople
“Library” - The Yukon and You
“I Can't Believe This Is Legal” - Tuck Nelson
“lorieMixdown” - Central City Music Company
“Blue Sun” - Magnetics
“Blue Suede Shoes (Done Turned Brown)” - The Pugs
“Coo-Koo” - Tommy Dirtweed
“The Great Divorce” - The Invasion
“Want From Me” - Humorgod

Podcast version:

Monday, August 3, 2009

8-04-09 Portable Hard Math Radio

Hey Fearless listeners... as some of you have noticed my show hasn’t been playing (or playing well) during its regular timeslot on ... I’m working to fix it, but for now the machines are winning. If you tune in today and Hard Math IS playing it will be the 7-21-09 playlist... but here is a podcast version for your on-demand or take-it-with-you listening! Click to load and listen or right-click/ctl-click to start download (57 mb file). It is a condensed version of the aforementioned playlist.

“Dry and Confused” - Black Happy
“Car Sides” - Central Boise Library
“Golden Age” - ReVoLtReVoLt
“The Devil” - Stuntman
“LIght as a Feather” - Flycatcher
“Sod Off” - The Very Most
“Lovelorn Robot” - Spondee
“I Like Robots Unit” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“Hide and Find Out” - Treepeople
“Baby” - Kris Doty
“Brother ” - Le Fleur
“monorail” - Narcissus Isthmus
“life left dear” - One Fantastic Bind
“Emperor Of San Francisco” - The Invasion
“My Brother Pat” - Raspberry
“Cannons and Daggers” - La Knots
“boddering” - eL Dopamine
“Some Amazing Mistake” - The Suffocation Keep
“Modern Man” - Ian Waters

I'd like to extend my condolences to some local musician friends, Jeremy and Elijah Jensen, who lost their mother Kris in a tragic car accident this weekend. The same accident put Elijah in the hosptial. Hard Math hopes for a speedy recovery for Elijah, his brother and father and my heart goes out to them in their time of loss.

Monday, July 20, 2009

7-21-09 playlist

I'm pleased to introduce a fun find this week... Ketchum, Idaho's Young People With Faces. I was looking at the "local" section of my local record store and found a nice digipack with a grainy black & white photo of some teenagers (1 earnest boy and three girls) with their band name spray painted pink behind them. The sticker on the shrink wrap, also 80's pink, states their mission:

“Young People With Faces are four 17 year olds from a tiny Idaho town, entranced by the culture shattering sounds that emanated from such sonic temples as Hollywood's Masque, London's Roxy and Manhattan's CBGBs a full decade before they were born.”

“Ihateyou” is pretty straightforward punk with bassist Matt Mayhem playing a pretty poppy, tame bassline, but guitarist Simone Kastner is shredding like she belongs in a noisy Brooklyn band or the Wavves... rad. Not to overlook the casual cool of singer Sophia Dilley and amped-up drummer Alice Bynum. The producer is listed as Steve Bynum... Alice's dad? Older brother? The one that got these kids into all the 70's punk? Fun.

“Car Sides” - Central Boise Library
“IHateYou” - Young People With Faces
“Dry and Confused” - Black Happy
“Golden Age” - ReVoLtReVoLt
“LIght as a Feather” - Flycatcher
“The Devil” - Stuntman
“Lovelorn Robot” - Spondee
“I Like Robots Unit” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“Hide and Find Out” - Treepeople
“Rose Magic” - Lovey
“Sod Off” - The Very Most
“Some Amazing Mistake” - The Suffocation Keep
“Modern Man” - Ian Waters
“Baby” - Kris Doty
“Kicked It In The Sun” - Built To Spill
“Brother” - Le Fleur
“Fun & Games With Sylvia” - Dirt Fishermen
“monorail” - Narcissus Isthmus
“snakes” - Juntura
“Enough” - Caustic Resin
“Boy Named Dog” - Fury III
“life left dear” - One Fantastic Bind
“Worst Hunting Dog Ever, Pt 1” - Gusto
“Emperor Of San Francisco” - The Invasion
“Where You Are” - Low-Fi
“Sinkhole” - 25 Wheeler
“Baby Please Believe Me” - Pete Holly And The Looks
“My Brother Pat” - Raspberry
“Cannons and Daggers” - La Knots
“boddering” - el Dopamine
“Hot burrito one” - G. America
“The Diggin' Song” - Hillfolk Noir
“Carlos” - Morningly
“Gone” - Doug Martsch

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hey friends in Idaho and elsewhere... sorry for my lack of intro text on this blog this summer. I haven't added many new bands for a few weeks, but I'm digging up some new/old stuff and some of our favorite locals like Finn Riggins and ReVoLtReVoLt will have new records in the fall. Rumor has it that their is a new record in the can from Scott Schmalljohn and The Hand, you'll hear it here soon. Thanks for listening and thanks to all the supporters of the show and the station, check the the programming schedule out for lots of other great shows.

“Like A Storm Cloud On A Sunny Day” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Twilight In Toronto” - Caustic Resin
“Robert Marshall Long” - Stuntman
“Stay Another Day” - Spondee
“Bona Fide Regret” - The Suffocation Keep
“Astrological Charts” - Pajama Party In A Haunted Hive
“Head Full of Stars” - Bock
“Track 4” - Piso Mojado
“Out Of A Dream” - Pete Holly
“Ola Odessa” - The Blue Flames
“January Keys” - Juntura
“A Footnote To History” - Thomas Paul
“Changing Me” - The Very Most
“Loving Pauper (Dobby Dobson)” - Boise Cover Band
“december, '94” - decoy decoy
“Boot Straps” - Treepeople
“The Tangles” - La Knots
“Ginger” - Bovalexia
“Vertigo” - Universal
“Don't Try” - Built To Spill
“Plaster Ears” -  el Dopamine
“Pannin for Gold” - Finn Riggins
“Hot Carl” - Discoma
“You and Your Sister” - G. America
“Track No. 9” - Netson Family
“Orange Marmalade” - Clock
“Whiskey Jack's Ass Inspired Thought” - Veronica & the Mental Foreplays
“Drag King” - Geyser
“Desert Fruit” - Doublewide
“Swanful Nothings” - Splinter
“Hearts and Stars” - Crogan
“Perpetually Burned” - Dirt Fishermen
“Tomorrow” - Tuck Nelson
“9" Dirtboy” - Dirtboy
“I-84” - State of Confusion

Sunday, July 5, 2009

7-7-09 playlist

“We Live Too Long” - Netson Family
“Mollican” - Juntura
“Cumulous Could…Thunderhead” - Godzoundz (this may not have loaded - sad face)
“Mick Mars always wears a hat” - Lowbelly
“Game Face” - Stuntman
“Yukon and You” - The Yukon and You
“Twelve” - Magnetics
“Untrustable Part 2 (About Someone Else)” - Built To Spill
“Leaves And Limbs” - Narcissus Isthmus
“Right” - Kid Corduroy
“Goin' On” - Low-Fi
“Girl” - Raspberry
“Liars And Thieves” - The Invasion
“The Great Cover-Up” - Fury III
“Calling Off The Dogs” - Caustic Resin
“Size of a Quarter ” - Treepeople
“Spiritual Music Recorded at a Persian Snowman ” - Plumb Bob
“Moving Picture” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Tons To Regret” - Tuck Nelson
“Jet Boy Jet Girl” - Haggis
“Devil City Destiny” - The Halo Benders
“Sugarbuzz” - The Treatment
“Greenwich” - Dirt Fishermen
“The Only Pretty Ring Time” - The Very Most
“The Nile Song” - Central Boise Library
“Variety” - Splinter
“Unwind” - Freak In A Jar
“Working Title” - Clock
“title unknown” - The Pugs

Sunday, June 21, 2009

6-30-09 playlist

Hey all... Back after a week of tech difficulties (dead disc drive at the station). All is well now. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. If there is something you'd like to hear on the show in July and August send me your emails:

“Bubbles” - Black Happy
“New Age Social Pads” - La Knots
“Paranoid” - The Invasion
“150 Quid” - Clock
“Rain” - Kris Doty
“Gathering Strengths [] Spirit Walker” - Pussy Gutt
“I Wanna Hurt Someone” - The Left Coast
“Unlucky” - Caustic Resin
“The Infection” - Bock
“pilots ponder” - Lowbelly
“Dig A Hole” - Hillfolk Noir
“Every Night” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Your Asterisk” - The Halo Benders
“Chilly” - Eightball Break
“Struttin' Along And Then Something Neat Happens” - Bonefish Sam And His Power Orchestra
“Manic Thing” - Lovey
“Open Mouth” - Le Fleur
“Paper Thin” - Butterfly Train
“The Carpet” - Stuntman
“Bob's Unit” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“Politician Prostitute” - Dirt Fishermen
“It'S A Long Way Down” - Pete Holly
“Come Back” - Ian Waters
“The Weather” - Built To Spill
“Track 3” - Piso Mojado
“Disaster” - Size of Alaska
“Desert Fruit” - Doublewide
“Prolonged” - eL Dopamine
“Sleeper” - One Fantastic Bind
“Blackrock” - Finn Riggins
“Scotland” - The Very Most
“Firecrakcerheart” - Morningly

Monday, June 8, 2009

6-16-09 Playlist

“Anemone” - Discoma
“Make Your Mind Up” - Crogan
“Bed o' Nails” - Treepeople
“Paper Airplane” - Low-Fi
“Ingridory” - Dirt Fishermen
“Sorry, But” - Godzoundz
“You're So White, Are You Snow Or Sand?” - Grant Avenue
“Sequence” - Humorgod
“Flying” - Finn Riggins
“Deamland” - The Blue Flames
“The Life And Times Of...” - Black Happy
“Temporarily Blind” - Built To Spill
“Coo-Koo” - Tommy Dirtweed
“Save It” - Geyser
“Motion” - Red Set
“I Don't Know” - fourgirldrive
“spine sheath” - Narcissus Isthmus
“Louise” - Butterfly Train
“Fleeting Protons” - Universal
“Euro K Nothing” - Raspberry
“Bonefish Wedding March” - Bonefish Sam And His Power Orchestra
“Alien Fugue (Slight Return)” - Caustic Resin
“Fashionably Mean” - The Very Most
“Late On Rent (Again)” - Eightball Break
“I Remember Rock N' Roll” - Pete Holly
“I Wanna Boogie” - The Pugs
“Dancin‘ Shoes” - Spondee
“Camping With Kermit” - Lowbelly
“Lift” - Doug Martsch
“Black Wine” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Come Near Me” - With Child
“Ceramic Dog” - Le Fleur
“Oceans Inside Me - Orig 45” - Stone Garden
“Don't Remember” - Stuntman
“Singing In Your Sleep” - Gusto

6-9-09 Playlist

“Knockin” - Craters Of The Moon
“Connie” - Splinter
“It's Too Loud” - The Hand
“UV Science And Magick” - Universal
“3/23” - Lovey
“Pocket Knife ” - The Blue Flames
“Emperor of San Francisco” - The Invasion
“I'm the Slime” - Central Boise Library
“12XU” - Haggis
“She Broke” - Juan Fangio
“Last Transmission” - Low-Fi
“Cool Car” - H is for Hector
“Full Of It” - Freak In A Jar
“Raising” - Dirt Fishermen
“In Past Tense Time” - Tuck Nelson
“Just The Eyes” - Discoma
“Ashes To Ashes (David Bowie)” - Boise Cover Band
“Trouble with the Market” - Red Set
“Through The Ceiling Into The Sun” - Brett Nelson
“Lost” - Treepeople
“What's a Hedonist?” - Size of Alaska
“Oh sanity!” - G. America
“Hospital Hallway” - The Yukon and You
“Caught Up” - Flycatcher
“Trimmed and Burning” - Built To Spill
“Emma” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“Rotten Man” - Caustic Resin
“Nothing” - Magnetics
“Eggs” - Kris Doty
“Flag of Iron” - Hillfolk Noir
“I Can't Believe It's True” - The Halo Benders
“The Radio Drown” - Ian Waters
“Love At Home” - The Very Most
“The Problem With Tragedy” - Stuntman
“Corner Things” - Plumb Bob

Sunday, May 31, 2009

6-2-09 playlist

Is this really the first appearance of  Treepeople's “Radio Man”? For shame. No theme this week.... just the usual mix of classic staples and some new tunes. Enjoy.

“Radio Man” - Treepeople
“Mariachi Square” - Spondee
“Lumen” - Narcissus Isthmus
“Remember February” - Fauxbois
“long run” - Lovey
“Eh?” - Clock
“No Commercial” - Pajama Party In A Haunted Hive
“Julie Jammed on Java” - Central Boise Library
“Strong Chin” - Flycatcher
“John Sinclair” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“Discarded” - eL Dopamine
“Drag King” - Geyser
“My Brother Pat” - Raspberry
“Save Me” - Doug Martsch
“Philler” - Bovalexia
“Carbonate” - Finn Riggins
“Solitary Vowels” - Falldowns
“Popular Consensus” - The Invasion
“snow white bull” - Lowbelly
“Once In A While” - Gusto
“What'S Falling About” - Butterfly Train
“Kosame ” - Fury III
“Some Things Last A Long Time” - Built To Spill
“This Much Space ” - The Very Most
“Are You Gonna Be My Girl (Live)” - Pete Holly
“Desert” - Kid Corduroy
“Crack In Head Joe” - Hillfolk Noir
“Donner Pass” - Dirtboy
“Creep” - Humorgod
“War” - Low-Fi
“Put To Sleep” - Dirt Fishermen
“Riot Grrll” - Eightball Break
“Taisty” - Heart Doublewide
“Robogoat” - Discoma
“What About You?” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Fry Like Ace Jones” - Caustic Resin
“Long way home” - G. America
“Turn It My Way” - The Halo Benders

Monday, May 25, 2009

5-26-09 playlist... The LONG SONG show

This week's show = 13 LONG SONGS + 2 REALLY short ones. Enjoy local songs ranging from 6 1/2 to 14 minutes long. Not recommended for people with short attention spans. Making your summer easier = shaving.

“Mogue” - The Very Most
“Fleur De Sel” - Tim Andreae
“They call me yo!” - Morningly
“Track 2” - Piso Mojado
“Yeah Right” - Caustic Resin
“D.D.N.D.I.A.V.” - Fury III
“Summer's Been Easier Since I Shaved” - Grant Avenue
“Woodstick” - Stone Garden
“Built Too Long (Parts 1, 2 & 3)” - Built To Spill
“Those Are Not Real Monsters, Just Robot Parts” - Booth Sitter
“The Traveller” - A Man Called Sun
“Hateness” - Godzoundz
“Medley” - H-Hour
“Smorgasbord” - Bonefish Sam And His Power Orchestra
“Salt In The Wound (bonus)” - Freak In A Jar

Monday, May 11, 2009

5-12-09 playlist

Listen for a new track by Tuck Nelson of La Knots and hear lots of good stuff along the way...

“22nd Street” - Plumb Bob
“the giraffe and elephant” - Lowbelly
“Transitional Devices” - Treepeople
“Live, Conquer, Unite” - The Pugs
“Pretended” - Dirt Fishermen
“Lovelorn Robot” - Spondee
“Big Lake” - Falldowns
“Big Dipper” - Built To Spill
“Road Song” - A Man Called Sun
“Lets Share Some Blood” - Tuck Nelson
“Bareable” - Universal
“Some Sad Song” - The Suffocation Keep
“Noodle Casserole ” - Bonefish Sam & His Orchestra
“The Plumest” - Finn Riggins
“Drone” - Caustic Resin
“O, So & So” - With Child
“Push Thru” - Glow
“The Hand” - The Hand
“Sticks” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“Phantom Power” - The Halo Benders
“Problem With The Truth” - Gusto
“shelbyville” - Narcissus Isthmus
“Tell Me About it Stub” - fourgirldrive
“Track 06” - Bacchanalia
“Untitled” - Discoma
“*69” - Haggis
“Slaves” - Stuntman
“she's not in” - Lovey
“Wish” - Size of Alaska
“Spawn of Satan” - Pajama Party In A Haunted Hive
“Same Diseases” - Ian Waters
“Pictures You Made” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Rock N' Roll Street” - Pete Holly

Monday, May 4, 2009

5-5-09 playlist

I’m short on words this week, so I'll let the tunes do the talking.

“Free Wheelin'” - Magnetics
“Trafalgar” - Falldowns
“Polar Fields of Death” - La Knots
“Jim's Gems” - Bock
“Dream” - Doug Martsch
“Fly (4-track version)” - Hillfolk Noir
“Hairdays” - Bovalexia
“House Mate” - el Dopamine
“Drive # 47” - Caustic Resin
“don't you ever ask me that again” - One Fantastic Bind
“max” - Lovey
“Always Down” - Haggis
“Ya Hots” - How's Your Family
“Words You Say” - Dirtboy
“a friend indeed” - Lowbelly
“metropolitan plants” - Narcissus Isthmus
“Turns for the Worst” - Crogan
“In The Morning” - Built To Spill
“Dodged Ev'ry Bullet Pt. 3” - The Very Most
“High-Tech Indeed” - 25 Wheeler
“Estate Sale” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Don't Tell The Red Velvet Nun” - The Invasion
“Fake Love (again)” - G. America
“Mercury Blues” - The Halo Benders
“Fishing & Hunting with Native Idahoans” - Central City Music Co.
“Moflo” - Black Happy
“Crown of Stars” - Doublewide
“Chase The Night” - Pete Holly
“Policeman's Clubhouse” - Eightball Break
“Time Whore” - Treepeople
“Happy Song For A Dark Soul” - Universal
“Can We?” - Humorgod
“The Darkness” - Low-Fi

Monday, April 27, 2009

4-28-09 playlist

“Multititled” - Pajama Party In A Haunted Hive
“The Collider” - Finn Riggins
“Sod Off (Discoma Remix)” - The Very Most
“Thank You” - Shamus
“Two + One” - el Dopamine
“Brain Donor” - Freak In A Jar
“exquisite” - Lovey
“Golden Age” - ReVoLtReVoLt
“Take It Wrong” - Stuntman
“Coming Down” - Central Boise Library
“Constancy” - The Invasion
“Drive Slow” - Clock
“Golden Hours” - Caustic Resin
“Pussytime” - Flycatcher
“Na Na's” - Dirt Fishermen
“Workshop” - Size of Alaska
“Mother Nature's Fault” - The Hand
“A Paper Crane At A Funeral” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Bubbles” - Doublewide
“Places” - Splinter
“Felt So Right” - Pete Holly
“Man Gets Jealous; Finds Jesus” - Thomas Paul
“Luxury liner” - G. America
“2 Winters” - fourgirldrive
“The Way You Look At It” - Gusto
“Shortcut” - Built To Spill
“Post Mark New Song” - Gordie Howe Trio Unit
“The Dead Have Nothing New To Say” - Universal
“Girlfriend” - Kris Doty
“If I Ever Travel The Distance” - Tuck Nelson
“Lonlinessly” - Juan Fangio
“Where's My Heart?” - Veronica & the Mental Foreplays
“Saturday At Nine” - The Suffocation Keep
“Glacier Attention” - Narcissus Isthmus
“Gave Up on the Summer of Love” - Fury III

Monday, April 20, 2009

4-21-09 playlist

After what seems like a long incubation the Rotating Tongues:2 comp is out and this week's show will feature several tracks. The two disc cd is packed full of good stuff, but I decided to start with some bands that I haven't had tracks to play on Hard Math in the past: Nollifur, Juntura and ATTN. I've met some of the people in these bands, but I'll let their music speak for itself... click on the links to hear more and find out more about each. Juntura will be playing a show with a couple little local bands called Finn Riggins and Built to Spill.  A Seasonal Disguise makes their debut on the show this week.... led by The Very Most's Zach Von House, their self-titled debut record is full of indie folk goodness. Also new to the show this week is Bacchanalia... a Moscow, ID folk band that accounts for the whereabouts of another Very Most member, Gia Trotter, in the mid-90's. Gia also hosts Go Northwest Young Man on (1 pm on Sundays, 2 pm on Thursday). As if that weren't enough... The Very Most themselves have a new split cd out with Portland's Lion and Eagles.... and another new Universal track... whew... It's pretty exciting that I'm 30-some shows in and still adding new bands and finding new things to hear from the past. THANKS to all the Idaho musicians who appear on the show and DOUBLE THANKS to those of you who have sent tracks or burned discs of material for the show!

“Feltung Grey” - Nollifur
“Bastard” - Stone Garden
“Graceful Growth” - With Child
“Hard To Love A Man (Who Loves His Guitar)” - Pete Holly
“bitter like this” - Butterfly Train
“Inversion Valley” - Juntura
“What, Nothing But Black?” - The Left Coast
“Poison Mask” - Septic Death
“song five” - Bacchanalia
“Won't You Hibernate With Me?” - A Seasonal Disguise
“Meow” - Geyser
“Fall Polar State” - Narcissus Isthmus
“All Filing” - Caustic Resin
“Func” - Discoma
“Morningly theme” - Morningly
“P.P. & T.C.” - Treepeople
“My Last Song To You” - Tuck Nelson
“True Love Will Find You In The End” - The Very Most
“Sell Your Mother” - Dirt Fishermen
“Want to Will” - Godzoundz
“Magic Carpet Rider” - The Halo Benders
“I know that you're okay” - Monster Dudes
“Once Enlisted” - Lowbelly
“Grease Fire” - Doublewide
“Bike” - Magnetics
“Sam Cooke” - Grant Avenue
“Make Believe” - Kid Corduroy
“You Are” - Built To Spill
“G Sharp Minor” - ATTN
“I'd Eat Crow” - Universal
“Cars N' Freud” - Royball
“Track 5” - Piso Mojado